Advanced Laserfiche Searching

The Laserfiche Advanced Search Syntax allows you to perform powerful and flexible searches to find exactly the documents you need. This makes it a popular topic for questions and suggestions on Laserfiche Answers

Capture on the Go: How PhotoDocs Can Save You Time

PhotoDocs is great for working with documents all of sorts, but it’s also a lifesaver for people who don’t work with “documents” at all. Imagine the case of a property inspector. A large part of an inspector’s job is to take pictures of properties.

Preview of Drag and Drop in Laserfiche Web Access

The release of Web Access 8.4 will definitely give you the ability to drag documents right into your Web Access repository. This provides you an additional means to bring in records without needing to browse for them one by one in the Import dialog box.

How to determine if a document was OCR’d with Workflow

We recently had a need to determine if a document was OCR’d within a workflow process.  With some help from Brett Hickinbotham, Sales Engineer at Laserfiche, we discovered that it is possible to use the ‘Retrieve Document Text’ activity to generate a token with the text of a document.  If the document has no text, the token will be blank.  In … Read More

Preview of Image Compression for the Laserfiche Mobile App

Laserfiche Mobile is an application for the iPad and iPhone that enables you to capture, upload, securely access and work with documents inside your Laserfiche repository while on the go. The next release of the Laserfiche Mobile app features the ability to apply image compression to documents before they are sent to your Laserfiche repository.

New CPP Course: Repository Architect

Helping design an easy-to-use repository can be a challenge when you’re working  to map out enterprise-wide deployments. The all-new Repository Architect Certified Professional Program (CPP)